Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2nd day of December, 2009

Last night, at about 5:30 PM, got a call from Sammy... "What cha doin?" was the usual sound on the phone... "Hey, I got two hogs; do y'all want one?" Faster than I could tkink, I said "Yes! How much is it?" Sammy responded "It don't cost nothing. Me and Doug are gonna get 'em now; you can take yours to the processor if you want..." "OK", I said, "Which one?"

Sammy did not know where I could take the hog; he said he would hang it for me in his barn for the night and I could take it in the morning...

Since Sammy was going to 'process' his himself, I called back and ask if he could give me a hand with mine, instead of taking it to the processor... I went there and Doug (Darryl's brother) and Sammy had already started to gut out the first one... There were two females, pregnant both, killed by the Mnenonites at their farm, no more than 20 miles from here... That means that, withing two to five years, we will have feral hogs around here, the worst pest ever!

Doug and Sammy gutted and skinned the first one and gave it to me; unfortunately, one of the front quarters had beed shattered beyonf repair by the bullet; but I satil got over 80 lbs of hog in a cooler in the garage that I have to quarter and 'process' today!

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