Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday, the 3rd day of July, 2012

There is no need for me to repeat what’s already been posted in our Hawks Bluff Friends group in Facebook; but I will acknowledge the fact that the clearing/cutting/bush hogging of some areas and road sides in Phases II, III & IV (Phase I has not been touched) has created an active and (mostly) positive discussion, and prompted the participation and opinions of many folks (some new, some old); and this is good… Let’s keep the conversation and exchange of ideas going, flush out some action items and, as one of the newer saying goes “let’s do this”, whatever ‘this’ may turn out to be… Armond D’Arcangelo proposed for us to meet as a group (home/property owners) and start asking questions about the benefits we in Hawks Bluff are getting from our County Property Tax dollars; I am ready to roll! Greg Gendusa shared an update on his actions addressing the proper authorities to look into our plight regarding roads, grid and drainage; much appreciated effort! (Need more detail on this to assess how the rest of us can support/help these initiatives). He also proposed the ‘resurrection’ of a newsletter and I think that is a great idea; I will support it as long as it keeps a positive approach, being practical and informative, and without editorializing that could give the impression of representing a crusade against anyone.

Went to Gainesville, FL this past week to help Alex with her move to Alpharetta, GA. Got there on Wednesday; loaded on Thursday; drove up on Friday; unloaded (with Jan, Alex & Leah) on Saturday and the morning of Sunday. The weather proved to be the challenge, as I anticipated, but it was not the wet part as I thought; it was the HEAT instead (up to 109 ̊̊F)! Without boring you with the details, I will share that I have met my quota for aerobic and power workout through, at least, the end of 2014!

A rare (but necessary) policy note. The Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS) made a significant rulings this past week: the upholding of the part of the AZ Immigration law that allows a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) to pass judgment on whether a person is legally or not in this country and, therefore, having the right to ask “show me your papers”. This loose/ambiguous  approach to Law Enforcement troubles me; consider this hypothetical yet plausible scenario: I’ve lived here - my country and my home - for 34 years now, seven years as a legal resident first - green card carrier - and subsequently 27 more years as an US Citizen; but, because on my appearance and my accent any LEO could use his/her judgment to ask me for my papers and, if I don’t produce them (I don’t carry either my Certificate of Naturalization or my passport with me all the time), he/she has the power to detain me, accuse me of breaking the law, and deprive me of some of my rights until I am allowed to clarify my status (guilty until proven innocent). And all this based on his/her judgment, not any of my actions. Next step maybe to require me to carry a yellow symbol on my outer garment??? Outrageous!

Now, the book of the week: “The Verdict” by John Grisham. After a set of rigged trials and appeals, a man accused of murder is to be executed in Texas. Another man, who claims to be the real killer, comes forward right before the execution. The system did not work. The fallout ensues…

Last, but not least, food for thought:
“Extremism, of any kind, is toxic and often lethal. And the pathetic part of it is that extremists never see themselves as such.”
 - Anonymous

So, stay reasonable, my friends…

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