Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday, the 19th day of July, 2012

Most of my commentaries today refer to the political morass we live in today… Do the clowns we sent to Washington really represent us? Or do they think they owe their allegiance only to the lobbyists who fill their pockets or to the sectarian and extremist faction they take sides with (I'll omit names)? So, on to the soapbox I go...

There is a critical shortage of qualified labor to fill about two million (that is 2,000,000!) open technical jobs in the US, requiring medium to high level technical skills; our schools are not producing the educated work force needed to fill those jobs so the country can increase productivity and our economy can grow; something is not working, right? On the other hand, there are some folks who are hell-bent on cutting budgets on education and R&D (“teachers make too much money”… Perhaps they believe that proficiency in and mastery of Quantum Physics or Differential Calculus will be achieved by home-schooling???)…  Meanwhile the clowns we send to Washington choose to use their time on voting to repeal Obamacare for the 33rd time!

There is a fiscal crisis (dubbed the ‘fiscal cliff’) that is coming our way when, at the end of the year, all of our taxes will go up and severe budget cuts will go into effect in areas that would translate into job losses for hundreds of thousands across the country. There is a need for people from both parties to get together and work out some compromises (yes, COMPROMISES!) to avert this crisis… Meanwhile the clowns we send to Washington choose to use their time on voting to repeal Obamacare for the 33rd time!

The going rate for a fixed 30 years mortgage is about 3%, give or take ½ a point. However, I learned this week that the going rate for student loans, the loans which finance much of the future work force of our country, is about 9%; yes, you are seeing right. In my opinion, going to college is not a luxury; however the banks are treating it as such and allowed to do so… Meanwhile the clowns we send to Washington choose to use their time on voting to repeal Obamacare for the 33rd time!

Phew! It is off my chest; time to get down from my soapbox...

Moving up to positive grounds: Greg Gendusa posted in Facebook a letter he received from the Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation (TDEC) regarding Rocco Toscano still having to comply with the stabilization of ditch lines to avoid sediments entering the water; they said Rocco is still negotiating with contractors to get the job done… Good news. Thanks Greg for the update. We’ll keep an eye open to see when the work is done…

Now, the recommended book: “Exodus” by Leon Uris. Uris is a master of inserting fictional characters and sub-plots within the context of actual historical events. This is a story nested inside the process of the creation of the State of Israel after WWII. A must read!

Last, but not least, food for thought:
“When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail.”

So, keep expanding your bag of tools, my friends…

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