Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday, the sixth day of the sixth month of 2012

To all my friends who inquired about my health, thank you for your concerns. Fortunately Jan, the girls and I are healthy and in no need of medical care. Last week’s commentary regarding Health Care was not a cry for help or a lament of wanting; it was only a dismal attempt to describe the characteristics of living where we live. The overall intent of my writings on the subject of living in ‘these here mountains’ is to point out the differences between this lifestyle and the urban/suburban lifestyle most of us were exposed to before moving here… This week I was going to write about transportation and decided against it… After writing a draft and reading it several times I realized that, except for the distances and the absence of taxi cabs, there are really no differences between here and any other place regarding one’s cars maintenance and repairs challenges. And no, I don’t need a car; I don’t need a mechanic. All my personal transportation needs are fulfilled (although the tires on the Jeep are getting close to the end of their usable life).

Twenty one years ago this past Sunday, June 3rd, Leah came roaring into this world and the whole damn place has never been (and will never be) the same! She had planned on going out on Saturday night, wait until midnight, and then order drink, but her plans were changed a bit by a severe cold that kept her from most of her celebrations… Happy Birthday to the Pooh Bear!

The weather has stabilized a bit ‘round here, although this past Saturday morning it went down into the low forties; we had left some windows open before going to bed and I woke up in the middle of the night with certain discomfort, a discomfort that came from being freezing to death! Closed the windows, grabbed a blanket, and all was good again in Paradise…

Heat & Celtics series is going south, literally; the Celtics are up 3:2 after winning the last three games in a row in Boston… I somehow do not have the confidence in this heat team… At times they look less than competent and confident… In the fourth game (which they lost), they did a great job coming from behind (way behind) and tying the game and sending it to overtime… Ah, but those last 6 seconds of overtime were ugly…

Bunny rabbits! Up until last week our yard was teeming with rabbits; one evening I counted up to nine of them… They would come out at dawn and/or at dusk and will play and eat for a while; they ate a couple of our plants but not much else (I had said that if the rabbits attacked the garden, I would attack the rabbits). And then one morning Bella, our German shepherd, brought in a hind quarter of a rabbit. We searched and eventually found up to three rabbits dead in our yard some partially eaten and some not eaten at all; they seemed to have been killed during the night. I believe Mr. Wiley Coyote found our patch of plentiful rabbits and went on a killing rampage… Since then, we see in the yard only one ‘wabbit’ at a time…

Now, food for thought:
Pull the string, and it will follow wherever you wish. Push it, and it will go nowhere at all.”
 - Dwight D. Eisenhower

So, pull and not push, my friends…


Unknown said...

Thanks, Daddy!
P.S. Poor wabbits...

Unknown said...

Thanks, Daddy!
P.S. Poor wabbits...