Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday, the 18th day of April, 2012

Alex, my 3rd daughter (and Jan’s 1st) came home this past week-end. There is a good chance she may be transferred from Gainesville, FL to Alpharetta, GA by the company she works for. So, we went this past Saturday apartment hunting in the whole Alpharetta/Roswell area of the North Atlanta suburbs… If this happens, she’ll be only 2 ½ hours away from home; she can come for dinner on Friday nights!

…and the hockey playoff are on their way, if they can call that playoff (reminds me of coach Mora: “Playoff?!?!?!”). In most any other sport, out of about 32 teams, eight make it to the playoffs; in hockey, it seems that out of 32 teams, 16 or 24 (or may be all 32, I don’t know) make it to the playoff… Makes no sense to me… Who do I root for? The Florida Panthers, still…

A politics note: according to US Rep Allen West (R-FL), 78 to 81 of the Democrat US Reps are card carrying Communists; they happen to be members of the Liberal Progressive Caucus. This carries the same level of offense as if somebody in the Democratic Party were to say that all US Reps who are members of the Tea Party are Nazis, or Skin Heads, or are card carrying members of the KKK… Give me a break! According to this type of thinking, anyone who is not very conservative is considered liberal (i.e. having anti-American views) -- and therefore anyone who is avowedly liberal is considered a traitor or a communist, or both. How do you like them apples? Welcome back Joe McCarthy...! This has got to stop; this rhetoric is beyond insane; extremism is always toxic… People who think this way (‘I-am-the-only-holder-of-the-truth’) need to move to China or Syria (only one party and only one voice!).

My days as a ‘prepper’ are over. I’ve decided to get out of the game of preparing for an unforeseen event in which we lose use of utilities or comforts we have grown used to. After long consideration of pros and cons, and paying attention to both direct and tacit feedback, I’ve decided that the value on preparing for what may come is equal to the value of fixing what already occurred: none/nil/nada! I will focus my energies on what is clear and present: the here and now. If/when tomorrow comes, and something irregular happens, I will deal with it then, not now.

Now, food for thought… Another potentially controversial one:

Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”

- Ron Paul

So, lead by example, my friends…

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