Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday, the 12th day of April, 2012

Early on Easter Day, and for reasons I cannot identify, was feeling gloomy; I was missing and remembering my Mom more than usual… We had friends over in afternoon for some BBQ chicken (and trimmings) and I had a good time…

Bella, the German shepherd, seems to be doing better, we believe she has something in her mouth (maybe an abscess or a bad tooth) that is bothering her; but she is not one to let anybody check her out, no sir!… The Belly-Belly is tough when it gets to her mouth and her paws!

On getting ready for contingencies, think in these terms: food & water are everything! If you do not have drinkable water, everything else is merely academic; if you do not have food to sustain you, a way to store it safely, a way to protect it, a way to cook it, then everything else you prepare for becomes a moot point. If you do not eat properly, eventually everything else you store will belong to someone else after you starve to death...

And another thing: a one megaton atomic bomb (like the ones Pakistan has, Iran may soon have, and North Korea has and may soon be able to deliver), if it were to explode at 1.5 miles of altitude over Kansas City, MO will kill very few people, if any, but would cause a EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) event strong enough to knock off electricity to over 99% of the continental US anywhere from 6 to 12 months… Are we ready for that?

This freaking weather is crazy; last night it was around 48 and we had to have a fire on; it was 28 degrees this morning (for the 2nd morning in a row) and I believe our trees took a beating… Well, we just finished a cursory walk on the yard and it looks like 90% of our trees were burnt by the freezes and we may lose many of them, including several of the oaks lining the driveway… Oh well…

Now, food for thought… This may be a somewhat controversial one:

“If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse; however if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I help you become that.”

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

So, keep trying to make them better, my friends… (but be careful!)

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