Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 14, 2011

Life continues inexorably up here in the Plateau... Everybody is in the Christmas spirit already or trying to get there. Of those trying to get there, some will and some won't. Some folks believe Christmas is too commercialized and struggle with buying the right gift for the right person at the right price, losing in the process all desires to enjoy the season; some other have split families whom they miss, or have been 'abandoned/ignored/thrown away' by loved ones... There is pain, overt and covert, all around; but, hopefully, everybody will cope and get to enjoy the Christmas Season.

Tebow continues to work his magic, much to the chagrin of his detractors/haters, and much to the delight of his fans... According to some NFL old-timers, there has never been a character or person before who has taken the league by storm as Tim Tebow has. The Packers are 13-0, an unprecedented feat by that team, and by any defending Super Bowl champion; but that story is only a by-line in most broadcast and pales in comparison with the 'storm' Tebow is causing in the league and beyond...

I will be having a one-of-a-kind Christmas: I will be on the road with Leah and away from Jan and Alex for the first time in the last 25 years... Alex is driving up the 23rd and will be here the evening of that day. Leah, on the other hand, is working until 5PM on Christmas eve; so I will be flying down to Gainesville on the 23rd and then driving up with her once she gets out of work on the 24th; so, as Christmas day comes, Leah and I we will be on the road and getting close to home...

Lastly, our big car, the Escalade, broke down yesterday. We were on our way to Cookeville (to Sam's Club) to finish our grocery shopping for the season and about three miles North of Sparta, it started to stagger and misfiring until it died; looked like the alternator went kaput. Triple A came, towed us to a local shop in Sparta and, after the diagnosis, it turned out that it seems to have been the fuel pump that went bad... We will pick it up today and hopefully it all will be back to normal...

That's all for now; we'll talk to you again next week...

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