Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday, the 9th day of April, 2010

There is a whole chain of errors and misunderstandings between our Vet and us regarding the protection we were providing for the pups... He had given us a solution back in September, to be administered monthly and orally, which Jan and I understood was to replace Heartguard (for worms) and Frontline (for ticks). Well, we misunderstood and such solution was only to protect against worms (replacing HeartGuard); so, literally, our pups went unprotected against ticks for a long time. Since it was mostly late Fall and then Winter, the lack of protection did not manifest itself until Spring sprang and ticks (and all other God-awful critters) woke up from their slumber.

So, we bought the actual Frontline yesterday and administered right away to all three pups. Overnight, ticks have started to get off Pancho like if somebody had yelled 'fire!'. The concern we have now is that he had so many on him that his chances of having been infected with either Lime Disease or Rocky Mountain Fever are quite high; so, to the Vet we march again on Monday AM to do lab work....

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