Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2nd Day: we are staying!

As we started to get up and active we discovered there was no water in the house; after some research it was apparent some pipes were frozen over night (it went down to around 6 ˚F last night). The pipes were supposed to be insulated and protected but were not…

Plumbers have been here all day long heating the pipes in many areas and have come to the conclusion that one of the pumps, the one from the cistern to the filtration system, burned out; reason unknown yet! As of now, we are waiting for our builder to assess the situation and (a) see if it is indeed a burnt pump; and (b) how long this would take to fix. If it is more than one day, we are packing and going back tomorrow…

As it turned out, there was no damage to any of the pumps; only a great deal of frozen water in the pipes; it took until 5PM to thaw them out; we are staying… YES!

We finished the day with the installation of the main kitchen sink under the counter; tomorrow the plumbers come back to hook it up. Additionally, Jimmy’s sons helped the plumbers install the water line into the freezer’s ice maker. We now have ice; civilized drinks are possible; making more progress!

Sometimes one either forgets or takes for granted little things: we were able to shower today!

Went to bed around 9:00 PM…


Anonymous said...

holy cow. It is cold up there. I hope my pipes did not freeze or break. I have them in my basement of my home. WOW. It is never that cold there. I might think of wrapping my pipes in my basement now. Don't leave, drink heavy it will keep you warm and who cares if you smell, your on vacation.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Glad things are coming together even if its slowly. Looking forward to the adventure ,lol.

Cant wait to see you all, its going to be fun.