Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, the 10th day of May, 2012

I got feedback from two different people regarding my posting from last week; both of them said that it sounded melancholic and as if I was longing for something to be different. Sorry I gave that impression; it was not intended like that at all. The idea behind the writing was to start documenting how different the lifestyles are between here and, say, South Florida. This is nothing short of paradise! I should have added that the only thing I regret about having moved here is that I could not do it ten years earlier! (Oh, and I do miss the daily newspaper; I know I can read it on-line, but it is not the same… I miss the facsimile).

Having said that, get ready for this week’s rendition of Bluffites Lifestyle… When it comes to food acquisition and storage, things get interesting when living in “these here mountains”… To live here, in or around Spencer, TN and specifically Hawks Bluff, and to be happy living here, you have to learn how to manage your food supply down to a science. Save-a-lot is the closest grocery store; it is in Spencer; it is very modest. Then there are Kroger and Wall-Mart in Sparta and McMinnville both(equidistant to us); Food Lion (that used to be in Sparta and it closed) and Sam’s Club are in Cookeville; Publix is in Hixson (north Chattanooga). We very seldom go the Spencer Save-a-lot; most of the time we go to Sparta or McMinnville (30 minutes) or to Cookeville or Hixson (50 minutes) less frequently. Regardless of where you go, a cooler is a must for the perishables you may buy. And what you buy, and how much of it you buy, depends on the size of your cooler, pantry, fridge, and freezer(s). We have not found yet a reliable, convenient and attractive farmers market for the veggies, so we are still dependent on Kroger (Wall-mart veggies are more challenging)… The meats are a crap shoot; we go from Kroger having a decent variety fairly priced, to Publix’s prices being simply outrageous, and any other store in between (Food Lion in Sparta was the best!). We have learned how to include deer and wild hogs into our diets and the variety turns out to be quite pleasant. The flavors are rich, and the different was of preparations are very attractive. Fish is another story… Whatever you find is certainly not fresh (you know you are eating shrimp because you see it, not because you taste it) and the prices are ridiculous; get a load of this: we went to Publix a couple of weeks ago and Tilapia (the same most-insipid-fish-ever that used to be $3.99/lb not too long ago!) was $9.99/lb, Salmon $14.99/lb and Grouper $17.99/lb … stuff that! So, we eat seafood only occasionally… We look forward to the fish fries held occasionally by friends who fish the local waters…

The 138th Kentucky Derby was ran this past Saturday, May 5th (also known as Cinco de Mayo to our Mexican friends – The day of the Battle of Puebla). Before the race, the experts and pundits said that this field was exceptionally deep and talented. I noticed a couple of colts that run from the front and were not used to relinquish the lead (Take Charge Indy and Bodemeister); and there were other colts who run from behind (Union Rags, I’ll Have Another, Creative Cause, and Gemologist) which I also liked. The winner ended up being I’ll Have Another, which is who Jan wanted me to place a bet on for her and I forgot the name, so I bet on another horse… Still haven’t heard the end of it…

Now, some food for thought…
“Everybody is a genius; but if you judge a fish on his ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.”
Albert Einstein

So, keep on looking for the right tree, my friends…

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