At 11:30 CST on Saturday 1/21, the fog was very dense; visibility was 20 feet, at best! We spent this whole day in a cloud, literally! It was eerie...
Nights are tough... I guess what is called the PND (Post Nasal Drip) kicks in once one lays down and makes one cough; the only way to get some rest (although not fit full) is sleeping in a reclining chair...
And so it is that, after the stinkin' Patriots got real lucky with the Ravens, they get to deal - again - with Eli, the Dragon Slayer, or also known as Mr. 3rd-and-long!... It will be another one for the ages, like in 2008, when the underdogs Giants with little brother Eli at the helm dismantled the almighty, invincible, 18-0, Belichick/Brady bunch (no pun intended!).
It is Friday, a whole week after I went to the pharmacy, and I am still getting little sleep at night because of the cough from hell!
And so the Florida Republican primary is next Tuesday; last night was the latest one of the debates (I believe 17 so far!) and Romney performed well for the first time, in my opinion... He came out of from behind his robot costume and showed some passion... Good for him. My man Ran Paul showed well making the most common-sense points, as usual, and Rick Santorum stood out as the other grown up in the room... I have friends that seem to have already committed (lock, stock and barrel) to Romney. They have seen/heard/read what they needed to take that step. Some other folks say that, although he looks most electable and presidential, Romney will be easy pray for Obama. Yet, some other folks think that, although Newt may give Obama a good fight, his 'baggage' make him not-electable... I wonder who the Obama people would like to go against? They seem to be chomping at the bit to get Romney...
The rest of things 'round here are pretty good... Danny & Donna left for 'the Louisiana' where Danny is having an interview to work as an ROV operator for some oil-drilling outfits. Jan and I did our best to prep him up for the interview... Some stray dogs have come to visit out yard and, therefore, torture our dogs. I shoo'd them away (even had to fire a shot - not to them) and they left; but they have returned a couple of times, less often that before, but they are still around...
I think that's all for now...
Around 200+ some years ago, Benjamin Franklin said: "Being humble to superiors is Duty, to peers is Courtesy, and to subordinates is Nobleness"
So, stay humble, my friends...