Down to the more mundane issues, the weather of the past two weeks up here in the Plateau were about 20° below normal; now it seems to be trending to a more expected range; as of now, 9:15 AM CST it is 37° F, sunny and crisp!
Took Alex's car top the shop yesterday; must add that the nearest Toyota/Scion dealer is bout 55 minutes away. The little Scion xA had been running rough, vibrating when reaching speeds of 55 MPH and higher. After a couple of hours of tests they found out both rear wheels rims were bent to the point that the tires may lose air/blow up at any time. These little cars, although efficient and limber, are not designed to fall hard into pot holes and come out of it OK (like the Jeep does!). Oh well, after ordering the rims we left the car there until it is fixed - some time next week, I hope.
Read something in one of the e-mails sent by friends: "When you are feeling down and out, good for nothing, remember you were once the best and fastest of the whole (sperm) bunch!"
Let's live to write another day...